“3rd Newsletter of the HERMES project”
“2nd Newsletter of the HERMES project”
“1st Newsletter of the HERMES project”
“Πρώτο Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο του έργου HERMES”
HERMES is a network joint action aiming to upgrade the capacity related to coastal erosion mitigation and climate change resilience of local/regional/national authorities involved in the coastal zone management in the participating countries. HERMES’s specific objectives are: a) to formulate a developing knowledge-based network on shared coastal tools (monitoring, modeling and data management), b) to upgrade the current level of research and innovation in the field of coastal sustainable development, protection and adaptation, c) to enhance responses to challenges driven by climate change, and d) to sustainably use strategic coastal resources to achieve Blue Coastal Growth. Moreover, HERMES fosters transnational transfer of knowledge and experiences gained through previously implemented projects, building a joint coastal erosion framework, adapted to the specific conditions of each study site. HERMES addresses all cross-cutting challenges leading to imbalances between sustainable and socio-economic development along the coastal zones, emphasizing on innovative tools for erosion protection and climate change risks prevention. HERMES serves as a pilot action for the design and promotion of innovative technologies following the ecosystem-approach for the improvement of environmental protection along coastal zones. HERMES promotes ‘soft’ engineering techniques to combat coastal erosion, strengthen sustainable development and provide strong impulse to local economy and jobs creation. Considering the benefits, in the coastal economic development, in coastal environmental protection, in the wellness and sustainability of local communities and the attractiveness of focused coasts, it occurs that HERMES is a project updating the adaptation level of coastal communities, adopting environmental friendly management plans for coastal areas, ensuring continual intervention and management policy, thus in-line with the broad objective and specific priorities of the BMP.
Tender for the provision of specialized scientific services
HERMES-2nd Open Workshop
Monday, September 17, 2018
House of Arts and Literature, Vasileos Pavlou Square
Larnaca, Cyprus
HERMES-2nd Steering Committee Meeting
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Frangiorgio Hotel, Gregoriou Afxentiou 9, 6301 Larnaca, Cyprus
You can download here the EN version of the HERMES project leaflet
Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε το φυλλάδιο του έργου HERMES εδώ