The HERMES project organises a Virtual International conference on tackling coastal erosion 18-19 June 2020
We would like to invite you to participate in the Virtual International Conference entitled “Adapting to the Coastal Zone Challenges and Risks: Innovative Approaches and Solutions for Local and Regional Authorities in the Balkans-Mediterranean Region” organized by the HERMES project. The event will take place 18-19 June through the Zoom Business platform.
The HERMES project aims to develop, implement and disseminate a common operational planning framework that can effectively contribute to mitigate the phenomenon of coastal erosion and the restoration of beaches at local scale in all four partner countries (Albania, Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria).
The Virtual International Conference will enable us to present the actions of HERMES as well as to foster exchange of experiences between Local Authority personnel, scientists, active citizens and politicians from all participating countries in order to leverage in a sustainable and optimal way the results of our project.
Your active participation is a key prerequisite for launching a broader and multi-level campaign aiming to facilitate the integration and utilization of methods and tools developed by the HERMES partnership for project design and planning processes at local scale.
Yours sincerely,
Filippos Anastasiadis
Mayor of Paggaio